
The Following rules are to be followed at all times, Failure to adhere to these rules may be penalised as outlined. RE ACCE administrators’ decisions are final where they are taken to preserve fair play and sportsmanship, regardless of whether they are specifically supported or detailed in this rulebook. We reserve the right to extend, change, exchange or delete these rules if necessary. We undertake to ensure that the competition is enjoyable, fair, fun and exciting for everyone involved.


These rules ONLY apply for Counter Strike (CS) competition or tournament run by RE ACCE. By participating, the team and its players (hereinafter “Player(s)”) state that they understand and accept all rules specified in this rules. All disputes arising out of, relating to, or in connection with this rulebook, its validity, enforcement, or the breach thereof, shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the esport Integrity Coalition (ESIC) Codes of Ethics, Conduct, Anti-corruption or Anti-doping rules (or any such person appointed by ESIC to resolve such disputes), dependent on the nature of the dispute/s. For the purpose of enforcement, the ruling rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be made an order of court by any court having jurisdiction thereof in terms of the Arbitration Act 42 of 1962.


A3D: A technology developed by Aureal Semiconductor, or any similar technology, which uses headrelated transfer functions (HRTF), which the human ear interprets as special cues indicating the location of a particular sound source. This technology could unfairly give away the position of an opposition player.

CT/T: Counter Terrorist side / Terrorist side. In simple terms, the CT side’s objective is to prevent the T side from planting the bomb.

ESIC: esports Integrity Coalition – a coalition of stakeholders in esports, whose objective is the regulation of the esports community in order to foster integrity in esports.

Game: A software title played electronically by players in an esports context.

In-game: Anything that takes place in the game being played.

Match: A match of any Game in which two or more players or teams compete against each other.

MGO: A multi-gaming Organisation that may have different teams playing different games.

mp_matchrounds, mp_startmoney: Configurations on the server that set the match rounds to 6, and the available funds for map weapons purchase at 10 000.

Participants: For the purposes of this rulebook, a “Participant” is any player who is a registered user or account holder of any game published by or offered for play or streamed by RE ACCE and who plays or has played against another player in a RE ACCE-run match or tournament. Note that the definition of Participant in the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code is wider than the definition in these Rules and shall apply in all matters covered by the Code.

Penalty Points: Penalty points are given for an infringement of the rules within a league, competition or tournament. Penalty points may either be small for minor infringements, or larger for more serious infringements, and which penalty points will be given at the sole discretion of the league administration.

Ringing: Playing under another player’s account or soliciting, inducing, encouraging or directing someone else to play under another player’s account.

Rules and Regulations: The rules and regulations subject to which a game is played as determined by the game’s publisher as incorporated into the standard software running that game and/or the rules and regulations under which a player or team agrees to when playing in an event and/or rules and regulations of participation as set out by RE ACCE (whether explicitly agreed to by the player and/or team or not).

Smurfing: Entering a gaming server under a nickname, alias or account other than the account registered for the tournament.

Terms and Conditions: The terms and conditions that a participant agrees to when joining any service provided by RE ACCE that allows that participant to play in a game or match and/or the terms and conditions of employment or engagement of a participant with RE ACCE.

Time Zone: A region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes. Time zones tend to follow the boundaries of countries and their subdivisions because it is convenient for areas in close commercial or other communication to keep the same time. The RE ACCE website ( will display the times of matches according to the time-zone assigned to them from their Geo-IP location.

Tournament: A series of contests (matches) between a number of teams who compete for an overall prize.

Tournament administration: Representatives of RE ACCE with the authority and responsibility of running, arranging and planning RE ACCE Leagues, Competitions, Matches and Tournaments.

Tournament officials: Representatives of RE ACCE who have responsibilities and authority over each match, investigating any issues, disputes or queries. Tournament Officials include, but are not limited to, admins and referees. Tournament officials may seek the expertise of the Tournament administration in complex cases.


The content of disputes, protests, support tickets, discussions or any other correspondence with tournament officials and administrators are deemed strictly confidential. The publication of such material is prohibited. Upon conclusion of an investigation, the dispute and the outcome of the investigation will be made public on the RE ACCE website.


The RE ACCE tournament administration is not responsible for any third party agreements, nor do they agree to enforce any such agreements made between individual players or teams and any third parties. Any agreements that are made between individual players or teams must not contradict the RE ACCE rules.



All broadcasting rights of any RE ACCE matches, leagues, competitions or tournaments are owned by RE ACCE. This includes but is not limited to: Video streams, TV broadcasts, GoTV, shout-cast streams, replays, demos or live score bots.


RE ACCE has the right to grant a license for the broadcast of one or multiple matches, competitions, leagues or tournaments to a third party or the teams themselves. In such cases the broadcasts must have been arranged with RE ACCE before the start of the match, and any consent to broadcast one or multiple matches, competitions, leagues or tournaments must be given by RE ACCE in writing.


Teams consent to have all matches broadcast by RE ACCE if such match forms part of a RE ACCE Tournament. Teams cannot refuse to have their matches broadcast by RE ACCE-authorised broadcasts, nor can they choose in what manner the match will be broadcast. The broadcast can only be rejected by RE ACCE, and RE ACCE has the sole discretion in selecting which manner or platform the matches are to be broadcast in, if at all. There will be no obligation by RE ACCE to broadcast the matches for whatsoever reason. The Teams agree to make sufficient accommodation so that broadcasting of matches can take place.



Email is the primary communication method to be used between participants and RE ACCE. RE ACCE will use the email that has been registered in the user’s profile on the RE ACCE website, and therefore this email address should always be kept updated and checked regularly so that no important announcements are missed.


All teams hereby warrant that they have obtained the necessary consent of the parents or guardian of any minor participating in their team, and that they indemnify RE ACCE from any damage suffered as a consequence of not having such consent. The teams will provide RE ACCE with the necessary confirmation, in writing, that consent has been provided by a minor’s parent or guardian.


The following conditions must be met in order to participate in any matches, competitions and/or tournaments.


The Team roster can hold an unlimited amount of Players from any country or nationality, as long as they are currently legally residing in South Africa.


Nicknames are forbidden if they:

• are protected by third-party rights and the user has no written permission

• if they are identical to, or resemble a brand or trademark, regardless of whether it has been registered or not

• if they are identical to, or resemble a real person other than the player themselves

• use names of RE ACCE products or services without express written permission

• if they are identical to, or resemble names or nicknames of RE ACCE employees or contractors

In addition to the above, any nicknames/team names/aliases that are purely commercial (e.g. product names), defamatory, pejorative, prejudiced, offensive, vulgar, obscene, racist, inciting hatred, or offensive are forbidden. Using alternative spelling, gibberish or incorrect spelling in order to avoid the requirements mentioned above is forbidden.


Every player must have their game account entered in their RE ACCE player profile. This includes but is not limited to:

• SteamID for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


The tournament administration will be required to approve any changes in the team account before the changes are allowed to take place. This includes but is not limited to:

• adding or removing players

• changing the team name

• changing the team logo


No player in the tournament may have a contract or agreement with more than one (1) tournament teams. If such a contract or agreement is found to be in existence, RE ACCE reserves the right to ban the player from playing any more matches until the situation has been resolved. If the situation cannot be resolved, RE ACCE has the right to remove the player or team(s) in question. All teams participating in any RE ACCE tournament will ensure that their players are not registered with any other teams. Players may also not move from one team to another, for the duration of the tournament.


All prize money will be paid out within 30 working days after the completion of the tournament finals. If a team has not provided the proper payment information and makes no effort to remedy this situation, the prize money will not be paid out to the team until this is rectified.



Prize money will be payable to the team by way of EFT, and into the bank account provided to RE ACCE by the team prior to the commencement of the tournament. RE ACCE will not make payment directly to any player under any circumstances. It will be the sole responsibility of the team to pay players, managers or associated personnel. All teams, players, managers and associated personnel indemnify and hold harmless RE ACCE from any claims instituted by any player, manager or associated personnel of any team who institutes any legal action against RE ACCE as a result of non-payment.


For as long as the prize money for the tournament has not been paid out, the tournament administration reserve the right to deduct the relevant penalties if any infringement of the provisions set out in this rules has been discovered.



The prize money will be sent as an EFT payment to the designated bank account of the recipient. Failure to provide sufficient information for the payments to be complete will result in payments not being made. If a team has not provided the required information to enable RE ACCE to pay out their winnings within one year of the initial payment date the prizes will be forfeited.



If a team leaves or is disqualified from the tournament during an ongoing stage, the team forfeits their place in the tournament. Any prize money already won at the point of withdrawal shall be forfeited or paid back if already paid out in the sole discretion of RE ACCE.


Matches involving teams that have left the tournament or have been disqualified before it ended will be deleted. In playoff brackets, the most recent or the next upcoming match and/or all subsequent matches (depending on the situation) of the team will be considered a default win for their opponents.


If a team is disqualified from the tournament, all its players are considered banned until the end of the tournament.



Tournament matches should start promptly as stated on the RE ACCE website, and any changes in the starting time of a match must be authorised by the tournament administration. All teams and players in a match should be on the server and ready to start no less than 15 minutes before the match is to start, but preferably 30 minutes before the match starts. 


Match starts are absolute unless changes have been confirmed by the tournament administration. Not starting a match as scheduled will result in three (3) minor penalties. For every five (5) minutes the match start is being delayed further the team will receive an additional three (3) minor penalty points. After 15 minutes the team is considered as no show.


If a team is not ready to play 15 minutes after the official match starting time, the team will be considered as no show and will receive a default loss.


Once a team receives two default losses during the tournament, the team will be disqualified from the tournament.



A team knife fight on the map Cache (de_cache) will determine which team begins the map veto & pick process. The winner of the knife fight has the choice of who starts the map veto & pick process. The map veto & pick process will then work as follows:

Teams must join a server and perform a knife round on the map de_dust2. The winning team of the knife round will have the choice to veto the first map or chose to let their opponent veto the first map. Maps will be eliminated until only 1 map remains. If the knife winner selects to veto the first map, they become team A in the example below. Sides will be determined on the selected map by performing a knife round on the selected map. Winner of the knife round will select sides.

Example of a Map Veto where Team A won the knife round and elected to veto the first map:

•Team A Removes a map 

•Team B Removes a map

•Team A Removes a map
•Team B Removes a map
•Team A Removes a map

•Team B Selects a map



Teams must join a server and perform a knife round on the map de_cache. The winning team of the knife round will have the choice to veto the first map or chose sides on the first map. If the knife winner selects to veto the first map, they become team A in the example below.

Example of a Map Veto where Team A won the knife round and elected to veto the first map:

•Team A Removes a map 

•Team B Removes a map

•Team A Picks the first map

•Team B Picks the second map

•Team A Removes a map

•Team B Removes a map

•The remaining map is played third

Once the first map has been played the teams must perform another knife round on each subsequent map to determine which side to start as.


• The selected team will veto a map of their choice

• The second team will veto a map of their choice

• The selected team will pick a map of their choice

• At the time of playing this map, the second team will select a side to play

• The second team will pick a map of their choice

• At the time of playing this map, the selected team will select a side to play

• The selected team will pick a map of their choice

• At the time of playing this map, the second team will select a side to play

• The second team will pick a map of their choice

• At the time of playing this map, the selected team will select a side to play

• The fifth map will be randomly selected through an automated process

• At the time of playing this map, the winner of the knife fight will select a side to play

Example of a Map Veto where Team A won the knife round and elected to veto the first map:

•Team A Removes a map 

•Team B Removes a map

•Team A Picks the first map

•Team B Picks the second map

•Team A Removes a map

•Team B Removes a map

•The remaining map is played third

Once the first map has been played the teams must perform another knife round on each subsequent map to determine which side to start as.



Unless otherwise stipulated in the provisions of the rules, when a player or team has broken one or several rules set forth by RE ACCE, it will be referred towards this section for the appropriate penalty, where all general infringements are listed and catalogued.


All teams and players will at all times display good sportsmanship and act in the spirit of the game. Breaches of these rules will be punished with one to six minor penalties, which penalties will be handed out at the sole discretion of the tournament administration. The most important and most common offences are listed below. However, the tournament administration may assign penalties for types of unsportsmanlike behaviour (e.g. harassment) that may not be explicitly listed. In addition to these being breaches dealt with directly by RE ACCE.


All insults occurring in connection with the tournament will attract penalties or further action. This not only applies to insults during a match but also on the RE ACCE website and social media platforms (forums, match comments, player guest books, support and protests, etc.), or any other platform available to the public. Severe cases of abuse with radical statements or the threat of physical violence can result in significantly heavier penalties including the possibility of the player being disqualified from the tournament. Depending on the nature and severity of the insult the penalty will be assigned to the team by tournament administration. Players may also be barred from playing for one or more matches.


The excessive posting of senseless, harassing or offensive messages is regarded as spamming. Spamming on the RE ACCE  website or on RE ACCE social media platforms (forums, match comments, player guest books, support and protests, etc.) will attract penalties depending on the nature and severity.


If the chat function in-game is abused towards the goal of annoying the opponent, or to generally disturb the flow of play, three (3) minor penalty points will be awarded. The purpose of the chat function is there to communicate efficiently with the opponent and the match administrators, not for directing abuse.


Attempts to mislead tournament administers or other players using false information or any other deceit will attract the following penalty points:


Faking match media may result in one to four minor penalty points.


Any players involved in ringing or faking will be disqualified from the tournament.


Any player who registers or plays a game, competition or tournament under a smurf, will be disqualified from the tournament.


Using a disallowed player (i.e. a player that is banned from the tournament or a player who has been transferred to a team under violation of the rules) results in one major penalty point. The player will also be banned from the current and following RE ACCE tournament. The opposing team will receive a default win for that match.


Any attempts to deceive opposing players, administrators, or anyone else related to the tournament may be penalised with one to four minor penalty points.


In the event that cheating is uncovered, and at the sole discretion of the RE ACCE, the team will be disqualified from the tournament and the player will be banned from all RE ACCE competitions for two years. Examples of cheat enabling programs follow: Multihacks, Wallhack, Aimbot, Rapid Mouse Macros, Coloured Models, NoRecoil, No-Flash and Sound changes. This is by no means a comprehensive list, and penalties will be awarded regardless of the method used to cheat.


No players, team managers, team coaches, staff or management of attending organisations may be involved in betting or gambling, associate with betters or gamblers, or provide anyone with any information that may assist betting or gambling, either directly or indirectly, for any of the tournament matches or the tournament in general. Any betting or gambling against your own organisations matches will lead to an immediate disqualification of the organisation and a ban of no less than one year from all RE ACCE competitions, for all persons involved. Any other violation will be penalised at the sole discretion of the tournament administration.




The map pool includes the following maps:

• Inferno (de_inferno)

• Vertigo (de_vertigo)

• Dust 2 (de_dust2)

• Mirage (de_mirage)

• Overpass (de_overpass)

• Nuke (de_nuke)

• Ancient (de_ancient)


Teams will be put into a groups of 10, with each team being required to play each other twice, resulting in twenty best-of-one (BO1) games. A win will result in three points being awarded and a loss will result in zero points. The top six teams from the group will qualify for the online best-of-three (BO3) Diamond Cup, while the bottom 4 will play for the Platinum Cup playoffs.


This is a single elimination bracket to determine podium finishers and prize winners. The seeding of the teams will be determined by their position in the group stages of the online round robin.


Each player has to use their official nickname during matches. Any strange additions, characters or words are not allowed. The only exceptions to this may be sponsor names.


Players are not allowed to use nametags on in-game items which violate the ESIC Code of Conduct. If a player uses such a nametag during an official match the team will receive three (3) minor penalties for each match.


All matches have to be played with five players per team (5 vs 5). Other combinations are not allowed. If a team fails to show up with enough players, the match will count as a no-show and will be forfeited.


• If a player drops before the first kill in the first round of a half, then the half will be restarted.

• If a player drops after the first kill has been made and has not returned when the round has been decided, then the match will be paused at the start of the next round.

• If a player drops and the opponent has been notified before any damage has occurred during that round, then the round will be restarted

• If a player has not returned, or cannot be replaced within 10 minutes after the pause has started, then the team with the dropped player may forfeit the match at the tournament administrators’ discretion.


Players can be changed at any time with team reserves, but the opposing team has to be informed in advance. If necessary the game can be paused. This change may not take more than five (5) minutes. If the player has not joined, or cannot be replaced within five (5) minutes after the pause has started, then the team with the dropped player may forfeit the match at administrators’ discretion.


All matches must be played to the end. Failure on the part of teams to do so will be penalised. A match is considered complete when one team has reached 16 rounds during the regular match time or won the majority of rounds during overtime on the final map.


If a match is interrupted for whatever reason, then the match should be continued where it left off, with the use of the backup system. All fully completed rounds before the disruption count towards the final score of the match.


In the case of a draw after all 30 rounds have been played, an overtime will be played with mp_maxrounds 6 and mp_startmoney 10000. For the start of overtime, teams will stay on the side which they played the previous half of the match. During half-time sides will be swapped. Teams will continue to play overtimes until a winner has been decided. The final score of a match with overtime is the official result for that match.


If a player has a problem that prevents him from continuing play, he is allowed to use the pause function. The pause function may only be used by a player at the beginning of the next round (during the freeze time). The player has to give the reason to the tournament administrator and opposing team before or immediately after he paused the match. If no reason is given by the player, the opponent may un-pause the game and continue playing. Pausing or unpausing the game without any reason will lead to penalty points being awarded to the offending team.

Time-outs and Connection Issues

•Time-outs & pauses
– If a team’s Player is faced with a problem that is preventing him/her from continuing to play, the Player’s team is allowed to use the pause function during the first available freeze time.
– The team must announce the reason for the pause before or directly after he/she has paused the match. If no reason is given within the first minute of the pause, the opposing team may un-pause the Official Game and continue playing.
– Pause may only be used at the start of a round during freeze time. Before an Official Game is un-paused, the opposing team must be notified and given time to prepare. Depending on the game server that is being used, the unpausing notification process may be automated.
– The duration of this pause/time-out is five minutes only and allows enough time for the Player to re-join the server.
– RE ACCE reserves the right to pause any match, at any time and for any reason.
– Teams are only allowed one pause/time-out per Official Game if it is not because of connection issues.

• Connection Issues
– If a Player disconnects unintentionally before the first kill in the first round of a half, then the half will be restarted.
– If a player unintentionally disconnects from the server after the first kill in the first round of the half, the Official Game must continue until the round is complete. The team captain must then pause the match during the freeze time in round 2 whilst the player can rejoin.
– The player will have exactly 10 minutes to rejoin the server. If the player has not rejoined or has been replaced within 10 minutes, the match will continue without him/her or the team with the dropped player may forfeit the match. Each team is allowed two pauses per match to be used if a player times out or disconnects unintentionally with total pause time not exceeding 10 minutes.

• Server Outages
– If a match is interrupted by a server crash within the first three rounds of play, then the match must be restarted.
– If a match is interrupted after the first three rounds of play the match should be continued from where it left off.
– If a valid backup file is available, it will be used, and the rounds will continue as is.
– If a valid backup file is not available, the match should continue where it left off.
– If one of the teams have administrative access to the game server, the start money should be set to 5000 using the command mp_startmoney 5000
– In the event of a server crash, players must reconnect within 10 minutes of the server restarting. Only the remaining rounds need to be completed. (i.e. you continue as you were the round before the server dropped).


The following commands are forbidden:

• mat_hdr_enabled

The following start parameters are forbidden:

• +mat_hdr_enabled 0/1

• +mat_hdr_leven 0/1/2

All other configuration changes are allowed as long as they do not provide an unfair advantage comparable to cheating. A player may be penalised for using any forbidden settings in any configuration file, regardless of whether it is stored in the game folder or PC in question and not in use. Players with forbidden settings will be penalised with two minor penalties per value. The maximum penalties that can be given per team cannot exceed minor penalties. If three or more players have forbidden settings, the team will get a default loss. Administrators may, under special circumstances and in their sole discretion, decide on a default loss, even if less than three players have forbidden settings. 



Once a game has loaded, only the players are permitted to speak with each other. One official coach is permitted to speak to players only before and after a match and during tactical pauses. Otherwise, nonplayers (including managers and coaches) are strictly prohibited from speaking or otherwise communicating with their players during a live match. This rule takes effect from the moment the game starts, and extends until the game officially ends and the game end score screen is displayed.


In general, all scripts are illegal except for buy, toggle & demo scripts. The following scripts are illegal:

• Stop shoot scripts [Use or AWP scripts]

• Center view scripts

• Turn scripts [180° or similar]

• No recoil scripts

• Burst fire scripts

• Rate changers (Lag scripts)

• FPS scripts

• Anti-flash scripts or binding (snd_* bindings)

• Bunnyhop scripts

• Stop sound scripts


The modification or changing of the game using external graphics solutions or other third party programs are prohibited and may be punished in terms of these rules. 22 It is not allowed to use any type of in-game overlays which will show the usage rate of the system in any way. Use of these will be will be punishable in terms of these rules. Overlays which will show only the frames per second are not forbidden and may be used.


Players must play the match with the highest colour setting in Counter-Strike (32bit). If the player is playing the match in windowed mode then the desktop must also be on a 32bit setting.


The intentional use of any bugs, glitches, or errors in the game is not allowed, and teams will be penalised with six minor penalty points per incident, up to a maximum of eighteen minor penalty points per match. It is within the tournament administration’s discretion whether or not the use of said bugs had an effect on the match, and whether or not they will award rounds or the match to the opposing team, or to force a rematch. Tournament administration may also take more severe action against the offending team. The usage of the following bugs is strictly forbidden. If any bug is used which is not listed here it is up to the tournament administration’s discretion whether punishment is necessary. Warm-up – map check: Before the match starts, bugs on load have to be checked. Failure to do so, and to let the match start, will mean that both teams have accepted the state the map is in, and the match will be continued under these settings. Protests and complaints regarding such issues will not be entertained. During the match:

• Moving through any walls, floors, ceilings or any other barrier is strictly forbidden.

• “Silent planting” is strictly forbidden (planting the bomb in such a way that no one can hear the beeping)

• Planting the bomb where it is impossible to reach for a disarm, is disallowed. Planting the bomb in a place that you can reach with a boost from a teammate is not part of this rule.

• Standing on top of teammates is generally allowed. This is only forbidden when such an action allows the player to peek over a wall or ceiling that should not be allowed based on the map design.

• The use of flash bugs are strictly forbidden.

• Throwing grenades under walls are forbidden, although throwing grenades and flashes over walls are allowed.

• “Map swimming” or “floating” is forbidden.

• “Pixel walking” is forbidden (Sitting, or standing on invisible edges on the map). 23 The use of any bugs in the game is strictly forbidden. The only exceptions are the following bugs which are explicitly allowed:

•Defusing the bomb through walls and items etc.

• “Surfing” on tubes The tournament administration reserves the right to proactively or retroactively add more bugs to the list of explicitly allowed bugs.


The participating teams acknowledge that any and all Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights used, created or embodied in connection with the Tournament will remain the exclusive property of RE ACCE and/or its sponsors. All RE ACCE graphics, logos, designs, page headers, icons, scripts and names are registered trademarks, trademarks or trade dress of RE ACCE, may not be used, including as part of trademarks and/or as part of domain names, in connection with any material produced as a result of this tournament or in any manner that is likely to cause confusion and may not be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of RE ACCE. The participating teams warrant that the material produced and broadcasting respect of the Tournament does not infringe upon the, or violate any intellectual Property Rights or Copyrights of any third party. Ownership of all Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights in any material produced by RE ACCE in respect of the Tournament shall vest solely and exclusively in RE ACCE.


Teams and players can contact the tournament administration via email.